해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
GREBSTK 9.5in Wood Chisel Set for Woodworking, 4pcs Chrome Vanadium Steel Bevel-Edge Bench Chisels with Cap, Comfortable Extra Large High Impact Handle

상품번호 B0D8S6TB7H
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The professional chisel set measures 9.5 inches in length, with blade sizes of 1/4 inch, 1/2 inch, 3/4 inch, and 1 inch. They come in professional storage bag to prevent shaking and protect the blades from damage.Crafted from chrome vanadium (Cr-V) steel with improved hardness (HRC 58-62) and wear resistance, featuring sharp edges. This steel is non-deformable and strong, ensuring extended service life.The thickened ergonomic rubber handles enhance comfort and provide maximum control. These features ensure a secure grip for complete control, making it ideal for heavy-duty striking tasks with a mallet or hammer.The blades are lubricated to inhibit corrosion. Each chisel is equipped with a black plastic edge guard designed to safeguard the cutting edge from potential damage. It\'s a great choice for both amateur and professional carpenters as well as woodworking enthusiasts.Designed with an industry-standard 25° bevel edge, this chisel set is ideal for woodworking and carving across all softwoods, hardwoods, and laminated woods. Elegant packaging makes it a great option for storage and gifting.

2025-01-09 11:13:38

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