해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Posca Markers Set, 8 Medium Paint Markers 5M – Portrait Tones – Beige, Satin Pink, Powder Pink, Coral Pink, Chestnut, Brown, Cacao Brown, Dark Brown

상품번호 B0D94Z3LVR
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상품가격 $20.68
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Reversible Tips – Reversible bullet tips allow Posca markers to last twice as long as other markers; To reveal the other side of the tips, simply pull the bullet nib out to reveal one of two sides, from 1.8mm to 2.5mmSafety First – Posca markers are non-toxic, which means our pigment formula does NOT contain alcohol like other markers, each Posca marker is water-based which means it’s alcohol-free, waterproof, and still lightfastCrazy Versatile – Posca paint markers have been professionally tested and used on over 50 different surface types, which means you’re covered whether you’re using a canvas, fabric, acrylic, metal, surfboard, rocks, windshields, or anything elseCreative Minded – Posca paint pens were designed for the creative minded, use our markers for decorating photos, glass writing, skateboarding, t-shirt designs, coloring potted plants, rock painting, embellishing caps, and moreObvious Choice – This 8 count Posca marker set was meticulously and thoughtfully designed and manufactured in Japan, making our markers the obvious choice for professionals, amateurs, and everyone in between

2025-01-10 09:40:11

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