해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Remote Control Car, Rc Cars for Boys Age 6-8 8-12, 2.4Ghz All Terrain Rc Truck Toys with Headlights and Car Body Lights, 20 KM/H Off Road Remote Control Monster Truck, Ideal Gift for Kids 6 7 8 9 10+

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All-Terrain Remote Control Off-Road Car: Designed for speed and agility, our remote control truck features a high-speed motor capable of reaching up to 20 KM/H. Equipped with independent suspension system and anti-skid tires, this rc truck is provide a smooth ride over various surfaces, including sand, grass, and rocks, providing a realistic off-road driving experienceAnti-Collision Bumper and Led Lights Design: Our rc cars for boys is designed with a robust anti-collision car bumper on both the front and rear, providing superior protection against drops and impacts; Equipped with LED headlights and cool car body lights, this remote control monster truck adds a touch of excitement to nighttime play, making every adventure more thrilling2.4Ghz Anti-Interference Rc Monster Truck: Adopted advanced 2.4GHz technology, this rc trucks for kids allowing for multiple remote control trucks to be operated simultaneously without signal interference.The ergonomically designed remote control allows for precise maneuvers, helping kids improve their hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills2 Rechargeable Batteries Extended Play Time: Equipped with two rechargeable batteries for the remote control trucks for boys, each providing up to 20 minutes of playtime. Enjoy hours of entertainment without long waiting times for rechargingIdeal Gift for Boys 6 7 8 9 10+ year old: Beautifully packaged, this all terrain remote control car is the perfect gift for any occasion, birthday, Christmas, Halloween and so on! Perfect as gifts for kids boys aged 6-8, 8-12. Give the gift of joy and cherished memories with this thrilling off road remote control trucks.

2024-11-30 19:13:02

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