해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
White Dog Bowl, Marble Dog Food Bowl, Non-Slip Dog Water Bowl Large, Heavy Duty Pet Bowl for Large Dogs, African Natural Marble, Holds 6 Cups(6lbs)

상품번호 B0D9H1BJ16
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상품가격 $39.99
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AFRICAN MARBLE : This marble comes from the remote and mysterious Namibia. The high quality white marble has excellent light transmission properties.EASY TO CLEAN: This dog bowl is overall smooth and simple in structure. Simple washing with water can easily clean up the food residue, saving you time. The natural marble bowl will not produce a strange odor, bringing a more convenient and tidy feeding experience.THICK AND STABLE: Karibiber dog bowls are made of pure natural marble stone and hand polished for a smooth bowl surface. Compared to other materials, this heavy duty stone dog bowl won\'t budge, easy to deal with naughty love pets.ANTI SLIP BOWL: Karibiber dog bowls are made of pure natural marble stone and hand polished for a smooth bowl surface. With the addition of detailed polishing inside the dog food bowl, pets can enjoy delicious food without worry. A non-slip pad is attached to the bottom of the bowl to help keep the large bowl stable and won\'t scratch the floor.APPLICATION: The simple, classic, unique and delicate appearance of the marble dog dish will go perfectly with a variety of decor. This dog food bowl is perfect for large and medium-sized dog breeds. The food bowl and water bowl are all in one, shared by dogs and cats. It is a safe and healthy choice.

2024-11-30 09:25:16

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