해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Force1 Officially Licensed Skibidi Toilet Toy RC Drone- Jetpack Flying Buzzsaw Mini Drone, Headless Mode, Altitude Hold, Speed Control, Rechargeable 2.4GHz Remote Control Drones

상품번호 B0D9J2PDXF
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Remote & App Controlled Vehicles & Parts
브랜드 Brand: Force1
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $49.99
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Officially Licensed Skibidi Toilet Drone: Prepare for the Skibidist Toilet battle of the century against Cameramen with this officially licensed Force1 Skibidi Toilet Flying Buzzsaw mini drone! Take over the world with 2 speeds, rechargeable battery, headless mode, altitude hold, and remote control.Authentic Jetpack Buzzsaw Skibidi Toilet: The Jetblack Buzzsaw Skibidi Toilet first appeared in Episode 48, featuring a large buzzsaw and dual side turrets on his toilet, effectively charging at enemies and cutting them in half. Equipped with heavy-duty vision goggles for screen attack protection and a jetpack for flight, it combines powerful weaponry with aerial mobility.Easy to Fly for Beginners: With headless mode, beginners can fly with ease without worrying about the drone’s orientation. The one-button takeoff/landing feature ensures smooth operation from the start. Stay alert with the low battery alarm, emergency stop, and out of range alarm, ensuring you never lose your drone.2.4 GHz Remote Control: Engage in a battle for the world against the Alliance with the easy to use and responsive 2.4 GHz radio controlled transmitter, offering an impressive control range of up to 50 meters. Navigate your Skibidi Toilet drone with ease during epic toilet battles!Altitude Hold & 2 Speed Control: Maintain stable hover drone flight with altitude hold, and switch between slow and fast speed modes to match your skill level and flying environment. Fly the small drone in any direction with up, down, forward, backward, left, and right side fly capabilities, offering complete control for fun and versatile flying experiences.Complete Set with Rechargeable Battery: The Skibidi rc drone comes with everything you need: drone flying toy, transmitter, 4 propellers, USB charger, battery, screwdriver, and manual. Rechargeable Li-ion 3.7V 750mAh battery charges in 90 minutes, providing 6-7 minutes of wild, toilet-themed play time. Perfect rc helicopter drones for ages 8 and up!Perfect Gift for Skibidi Toilet Fans - Thrill Skibidi Toilet enthusiasts of all ages with this officially licensed RC drone! It\'s the ultimate gift for birthdays, holidays, or any special occasion. Unleash the fun and join the Skibidi-Cameraman battle!

2025-01-06 19:36:46

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