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Silverback Automotive Tire Repair Kit for Car, Truck, Off-Roading, 4x4's, Motorcycle, Trailers, ATV, Tractor, Jeep String Repair Kit.

상품번호 B0D9MTV1ZQ
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상품가격 $34.95
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Perfect Emergency Repair Kit - This is the most versatile kit you can own. 40 Repair strings mean you can repair up to 40 tires and you will never be left stranded. Kit comes with all the tools necessary to complete a tire puncture repair. Perfect size to fit in any vehicle and includes all the tools you need.Universal Application - Tire plug repair kit heavy duty professional. Perfect for roadtrips, passenger cars, Jeeps, Motorcycles, RV\'s, Overlanding Rigs, OffRoad vehicles, 4x4\'s, ATV\'s, Tractors, Trailers.EASY TO USE - This tire repair kit comes with 40 repair strings, reaming tool and repair string insert tool, string insert lube, repair knife, 2 razor blades, replacement string insert tool, and allen keys. Packaged in a durable blow molded case. Everything you need to repair your tires without removing them from the rim.Built to Last - Heavy duty universal tire repair kit tools are dropped forged for lasting durability and reliability. This will be the best and last kit you will need.USA owned and operated Silverback Automotive Tool and Supply is dedicated to providing exceptional quality made repair string and premium tire lube. Heavy duty string means it is tough enough to stand up to the most demanding conditions, from passenger cars, to 4x4\'s, OffRoader\'s, ATV\'s, JEEPS.
The Silverback Automotive Professional Tire Repair Kit is the ultimate in flat tire repair kits. With class leading professional repair strings, you will never be left stranded. The perfect tool you hope you will never need but are glad you do. Fits easily in small spaces and is lightweight. Perfect for passenger cars, RV\'s, Offroading Vehicles, Overlander Rigs, Boat Trailers, Work Trailers and Lawn Tractors. Silverback Automotive is a USA company dedicated to quality and innovation.

2025-01-12 10:05:23

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