해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
64MP Digital Camera for Photography,12 x Optical Zoom Bridge Cameras with Macro,4K vlogging Camera for YouTube,Auto Focus,Camera Straps,2 battries and 32 SD Card

상품번호 B0D9Q3BYNK
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Electronics / Camera & Photo
브랜드 Brand: Monitech
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $269.99
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[Pixels as they are,Focus as you like]Our optical zoom camera will provide you with a powerful imaging solution at a very cost-effective price. Supporting 64 megapixels and 16x optical zoom (for a total of 30x digital zoom), this digital camera is ideal for beginner photographers with big ambitions and will take your photographic experience a step further[Shooting at will,and setting a little] our camera is full-featured and especially design for photography.Our video camera has equipped the 720°3-inch IPS screen and versatile shooting model,such as Time-lapse & continuous shooting,fast & slow motiom,ect.We\'ve also provided easy setup options where you can quickly adjust ISO, focus, shot delay and flash with the arrow keys,besides,our cameras also support 4k video recording and remote app video control[Shooting at will,and setting a little] our camera is full-featured and especially design for photography.Our video camera has equipped the 720°3-inch IPS screen and versatile shooting model,such as Time-lapse & continuous shooting,fast & slow motiom,ect.We\'ve also provided easy setup options where you can quickly adjust ISO, focus, shot delay and flash with the arrow keys,besides,our cameras also support 4k video recording and remote app video control[Quick review, easy uploading]Have you ever been annoyed by the inability to look back quickly and repetitively? Our camera has redesigned file lookback with the TW button to help you quickly find compelling photos. The camera\'s extensibility allows users to transfer data via USB, WiFi and HDMI cables, helping you to quickly save and edit your work.[Accessories& Gifts] We offer a wide range of accessories for camera kits.You will get bridge camera x1, 32GB TF card x1, USB cable x1,rechargeable lithium-ion battery x2, manual x1, charger x1. This digital camera is very suitable for entry-level users and is a perfect gift for beginners.If you have any questions, please contact us without hesitation. We offer free replacement and refund service for three months

2024-09-05 22:55:30

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