해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SYLVOX Portable TV, 15.6" Smart Television 1080P HD, Rechargeable 10000mAh/6H Battery, IP66 Waterproof, Voice Control & App Support, Ideal for RVs, Kitchens, Campers & Outdoor Use

상품번호 B0D9Q85LRY
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상품가격 $399.00
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【Smart Handy TV】: Experience the simplicity and convenience of a compatible with Google TV system featuring integrated Google Assistant on this compact television. Access a multitude of apps through the built-in App Store for a streamlined entertainment experience.【Long-lasting Battery Life】: Battery operated for convenience, this battery operated tv small is equipped with a 10,000mAh battery, providing 4.5-6 hours of continuous viewing. Enjoy uninterrupted entertainment, whether you\'re catching up on your favorite series or watching a full-length movie.【1080P Full HD Resolution】: Different from most 720P mini TV, Sylvox battery operated smart TV offers stunning clarity with its 1080P Full HD resolution. Enjoy your favorite shows and movies with crisp, clear visuals that enhance your viewing experience.【Lightweight and Portable】: Weighing in at just 4.85 lbs— as light as a small cat—this handy TV portatil is designed for easy portability. It\'s the perfect entertainment companion, whether you\'re moving from room to room or going on a road trip.【IP66 Waterproof】: Built to withstand rain and splashes, this car TV\'s IP66 rating makes it perfect for diverse environments. Including a 360° rotating kickstand for flexible viewing angles and easy wall-mounting.【RF & USB Ports】This handheld TV with Built-in RF Port: Access local broadcast channels with an antenna for a wider range of shows in HD, all subscription-free. Also convenient USB power supply. Important: While charging, please press the top button.

2025-02-05 01:19:22

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