해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Open Ear Clip On Headphones Bluetooth 5.3 Wireless Earbuds 4 HD Mic with 50 Hours Reproduction LED Display Charging Case, 2024 New Air Conduction Headphones, IPX7 Waterproof Sport Ear Buds, Black

상품번호 B0D9S97BX6
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Electronics / Headphones, Earbuds & Accessories
브랜드 Brand: VNMN
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $79.99
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Stylish Clip-on-Ear Design — These stylish ear clip earbuds designed with soft and adjustable U-shaped carved arm to clip on your ear, which does not interfere with wearing glasses and hat. The body of the headphones are small size and each only weigh 5 grams, ensure fully comfortable of long time wearing, especially suitable for working, runing, fitness, and other sports use.2024 Bluetooth 5.3 Chipset — The wireless earbuds adopt upgrated bluetooth 5.3 V chipset to ensure more stable connection and longer transmission range (up to 10M), lower power consumption (reduced by 30%) and lower latency, and when you take the earbuds out of the charging case they will automatically connect to your phone after the first pair.50H Playtime & LED Display — Designed with dual digital LED display to show the power capacity of the charging case as well as the charging status of the earbuds. The portable charging case is up to 40 hours of playtime, which can charge the wireless earphones for 4 times, and each earphones offer about 10 hours of playtime on a single charge, no worry about the battery life even on long trips.Dual HD Mic & Hi-Fi Sound — Equipped with dual HD microphones that utilize advanced environmental noise reduction technology, which can accurately pick up voice and filter out noise interference during calls, ensuring clear calls even in noisy environments, as if you are communicating with people face to face.Air Conduction Headphones — Newly developed open ear air conduction heaphones to make sure you can sense the sound from the external environment when you are enjoying music, calling or sports, ensured your personal safety and be able to respond politely to others while walking or running in the streets. Ear clip wearing keeps your ears\' canal clean and protect eardrum from damage, providing more heathy listening.

2024-09-05 20:14:50

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