해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Stair Runner Rods Antique Brass Staircase Carpet Bar for Indoor Decor, Minimalist Style Stair Runner Rug Rod Holders, Adjustable Round Secure Mat Tubular(1pc,125cm/49in/4.1ft)

상품번호 B0D9W4V559
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Building Supplies
브랜드 Brand: ENHEN
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $104.34
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?【 Vintage Brass 】Antique brass exudes class and elegance and can add a unique vintage and nostalgic style to any space. With its distinctive golden lustre and natural oxidised layer, it protects the material and makes it look even more beautiful over time.?【 What You\'ll Get 】Each Stair Carpet Rod comes with 2 end brackets, 2 finials and 4 screws for fitting. Rod diameter: 1.6cm (5/8"). Maximum load: 300 kg/ 660 Lbs. They have a hollow design, incredibly strong, durable, and long-lasting.?【 Perfect for Decorating Staircase 】Our Staircase Bar are a great way to add a unique, stylish, and decorative touch to the staircase. With their help, you can enhance the look of your stairs and make them more appealing. They also add value to your home and make it more luxurious.?【 Easy to Install 】There is no need for any technical knowledge to install these stair rods. Simply mark your desired length, take the rod, drill holes to attach the brackets, fit the screws, position the rod into place, and then add the finials to complete the installation. When you want to clean or replace the carpet, unscrew the screws at both ends.?【 Versatile Uses 】Stair carpet crimps are widely used in family homes, commercial buildings, public buildings, apartment and condominium staircases, theaters and concert halls, upscale private clubs, and airports and stations. It not only improve the slip resistance and safety of stairs, but also protect the edges of carpets from abrasion and wear.
Upgrade or renovate your home with confidence with this unparalleled luxury. ? Package Includes ● 1 x Rod ● 2 x Bracket ● 4 x Screw ? Specifications ● Material: Hollow Tube Brass ● Color: Vintage Brass ● Length: 50cm/20in/1.6ft - 150cm/59in/4.9ft ● Diameter: 1.6cm (5/8") ● Maximum load: 300 kg/ 660 Lbs ● Customizable ? Features ● Reduce the noise when going up and down the stairs. ● Easy to disassemble and take with you when you move. ● Fix the carpet to prevent the edges from buckling or fraying. ● No specialized tools or skills required, easy and quick to install. ● Increase friction on the edges of stairs to prevent slip and fall accidents. ● Suitable for families with elderly and small children, providing extra security. ● Suitable for a wide range of stair types, including wood, stone and concrete stairs. ● High-grade materials and design enhance the value and class of the overall space. ● Applicable to different temperature environments, no deformation in long-term use. ? Measurement Guidance ● Please measure the width of your stair runner before purchasing to choose the right size. ● It is recommended that stair rods be at least 1.5 in. longer than the runner width allowing for 0.25 in. space on either side between the runner and brackets. ? Kindly Note ● Due to different manual measurement methods, the error is 1-2 cm. ● We try our best to make pictures close to the real, BUT lighting, contrast and color display may cause color differences. ? After-Sales Service ● With the aim of “The Best Quality and Optimum Service”, we are your best choice and faithful friend. ● If you have any questions about our products or orders, please contact us by email, and we will be happy to assist you and respond to you within 24 hours.

2024-11-29 13:14:55

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