해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
5K Digital Cameras for Photography,48MP/60FPS Video Camera for Vlogging, WiFi & App Control Vlogging Camera for YouTube, Small Camera with 32GB TF Card.Wide-Angle & Macro Lens

상품번호 B0DB1HC5CG
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Electronics / Camera & Photo
브랜드 Brand: G-Anica
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $169.99
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【Upgrade 5K Vlogging Camera】: Capture the most precious moments of your life with this advanced vlogging camera that features 5K/30fps smooth video resolution and 48MP photographs. With outstanding recording and photographing capabilities, this camera will become your trusty companion in every adventure. Cherish every smile and turn it into a precious memory that you can revisit time and again.【16X Digital Zoom & 3.0" IPS LCD Screen】: This portable and compact camera comes equipped with 16X digital zoom that allows you to zoom in on faraway objects with ease. The 3.0-inch IPS LCD screen delivers clear and vivid pictures and videos, enabling you to shoot and view your media with remarkable quality. With a 32GB SD card included, you can use this camera right out of the box without any additional purchases.【Multi-Functional Digital Camera】: With the ability to hide or open its built-in flash as needed and adjust ISO settings for low-light environments, this video camera is the ultimate tool for capturing any scene. Packed with features like Selfie mode, continuous shooting, one-button mute, white balance, time stamp, and DISP (bright/off screen display interface), this compact camera truly does it all.【Record While Charging】: Equipped with 2* 1500mAh lithium-ion rechargeable battery, this mini camera is perfect for extended shooting sessions. Even better, it can be charged while recording, ensuring that you never miss a moment. With the ability to pause and resume recording with the press of a button, you\'ll never have to worry about missing a single detail. Plus, it comes with a micro USB cable for easy streaming to your laptop or social media platforms like YouTube or Facebook【Perfect Choice & Easy to Use】: With a stylish design and compact size, this digital camera is perfect for everyone from kids to the elderly. It\'s incredibly user-friendly, making it a great choice for everyday use or travel. Plus, it\'s the perfect choice for any occasion, from parties and birthdays to Christmas and Thanksgiving. And with our comprehensive after-sales protection, you can always feel confident that you\'re making a smart purchase. If you have any questions, just let us know!

2024-09-05 15:59:48

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