해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
KKV 2-Pack Microfiber Towels for Cars (35"x 24") Extra Large Ultra Absorbent Car Drying Towel for Cars and Trucks, Without Streaks, Scratches, or Water Spots

상품번호 B0DB1TQY6R
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Automotive / Car Care
브랜드 Brand: KKV
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $24.99
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Streak-Free Drying: Utilizing advanced twisting yarn microfiber technology, these towels absorb water without leaving any streaks, ideal for maintaining a spotless finish on your car after a washPaint-Safe Performance: Crafted with soft PE-edged microfiber, these towels ensure a scratch-free clean that\'s safe on all paint jobs, ideal for detailing your car to showroom conditionEasy to Clean and Maintain: Machine washable and suitable for low-temperature drying, these durable towels simplify your cleaning routine and quickly dry for repeated use, making them an excellent choice for busy households and auto enthusiastsConvenient Storage: Each towel features a practical hook for easy hanging and space-saving storage. This design allows for the towels to be readily accessible in your garage or utility room, always ready for the next spill or cleaning taskVersatile Size for Multiple Uses: Measuring 24x35 inches, these towels are not only perfect for automotive detailing but also handy for cleaning up around the home, office, or during outdoor activities, providing a go-to solution for any cleaning needs

2025-01-08 05:04:12

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