해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
KOI PRAZI (50 Grams) Praziquantel Powder for Pond & Aquarium, Effective Fish Treatment for Flukes & Bacterial Infections in Koi and Ornamental Fish, White

상품번호 B0DB4LSZ2D
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상품구분 Patio, Lawn & Garden / Outdoor Décor
브랜드 Brand: Generic
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $49.99
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Effective Treatment: Pure praziquantel powder is an effective deworming agent for fish, helping to eliminate tapeworms and other parasitic infections.Potent Formula: This powder contains 100% pure praziquantel, a highly potent anthelmintic compound widely used in aquaculture.Versatile Application: Suitable for both freshwater and saltwater fish, it can be administered through food or water.Precise Dosage: Allows for accurate dosing based on the fish\'s weight and water volume for optimal treatment.Convenient Packaging: Comes in a resealable container to maintain freshness and potency of the powder.
Koi Prazi Fluke Destroyer is guaranteed to be the freshest and the purest praziquantel powder available on the market and a MUST-HAVE for any serious koi keeper wishing to maintain optimal koi fish health. Praziquantel, commonly known as prazi is both the safest and the most effective treatment against salt-resistant flukes, a very common koi parasite which can found during scoping in virtually any established koi pond. Koi Prazi will not stress your pond fish or set back your bio filter. In addition, Koi Prazi is an excellent treatment for tape worms in goldfish, koi and pond fish. We suggest treatments with Koi Prazi every spring to help get your pond fish off to a great season and again in the fall just before winter arrives. Treating all new koi fish with Koi Prazi is also highly recommended to help keep opportunistic parasites in check. Introducing pure praziquantel powder, a powerful deworming agent for fish. This potent compound effectively eliminates various parasites, including tapeworms, flukes, and monogenetic trematodes, from your aquatic pets. Praziquantel powder offers a convenient and targeted solution for treating fish infestations, ensuring their health and well-being. With its high purity, this powder can be accurately dosed and administered, making it a reliable choice for responsible aquarium enthusiasts. Maintain a pristine and parasite-free environment for your finned friends with this essential fish care product. Follow the instructions carefully for safe and effective application.

2024-10-02 14:22:43

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