해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
GEVINST Remote Control Car Boat Amphibious RC Car with Waterproof Gesture Control 2.4Ghz All Terrain RC Boat 360° Rotation Stunt Car Beach Pool Toys for Kids Ages 8-12 Toys for 6 7 9 Year Old Boys

상품번호 B0DB5452C9
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Remote & App Controlled Vehicles & Parts
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상품가격 19.79
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All Waterproof Design - Our remote control car features a upgraded waterproof design, ensuring both the amphibious rc car and remote are fully protected against water exposure. The remote control boat ideal for pool, lakes, water, beach, backyard pond, grass, gravel, mud, snow or land. Experience the ultimate in amphibious adventure!Dual Control Options & Cool Lights - This rc boat for pool comes with both a traditional remote and a gesture-control watch. Kids can easily perform stunts like 360°rotation, 180°flips or double-sided driving with simple arm movements or wrist twists. The LED lights glow colorfully through the transparent wheels, creating an eye-catching visual effect in darker settings.120Mins Playtime & Extended Control Range - Our kids beach water pool toys include two 1200mAh rechargeable batteries for 2 hours of non-stop play. Charge easily with USB and feel secure with built-in overcharge protection. Enjoy a remote control range of up to 50 meters(164 ft.) on land and 25 meters(82 ft.) on water.2.4Ghz RC & Low Battery Reminder - The 2.4Ghz band ensures interference-free operation for multiple all terrain hand controlled rc car. Enjoy competitive racing with friends without worry. Plus, the remote control has a low battery alert, so you\'ll always know when it\'s time to recharge.Perfect Gifts for Kids - This gesture sensing rc stunt car is the ultimate gift for your grandson, son, nephew, kids, boys and girls aged 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 and adults. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, farewell, holiday, or special event like back-to-school, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, or New Year, this outdoor amphibious remote control car brings joy and adventure to every occasion.

2024-11-27 11:15:11

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