해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Ninja Countertop Oven Double Stack XL & Air Fryer with Pro Cook System, 12-in-1, Flexdoor, FlavorSeal, SMART FINISH with DualZone Technology, Air Fryer, Bake, Broil, Reheat, Stainless Steel, DCT651

상품번호 B0DB6B3T16
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상품가격 $319.99
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SMART FINISH with DualZone Technology: Sync both independent ovens to cook 2 meals, 2 different ways that finish at the same time.FLAVORSEAL TECHNOLOGY: Two separate ovens prevents smells from transferring between ovens, so your flavors stay totally separate.FLEXDOOR: Creates two separate ovens. Access just the top for quick meals and snacks, or open the full door so you can cook 2 meals, 2 ways on the top and bottom.PRO COOK SYSTEM: Achieve the perfect doneness from rare to well done at the touch of a button with the integrated Pro Cook System with Auto Temp Detect Intelligence —no guesswork required.12-IN-1 FUNCTIONALITY: Includes 12 versatile cooking programs: Bake, Broil, Reheat, Keep Warm, Toast, Bagel, Air Fry, Conv.Bake, Pizza, Air Roast, Whole Roast, and Dehydrate.XL FAMILY-SIZED CAPACITY: Fits up to 6lbs of wings, 6 salmon filets, a 4.5-pound chicken, family size sheet pan meals, and up to 6 slices of bread.QUICK FAMILY MEALS: Spend less time cooking and more time with your family. Eliminate back-to-back cooking by completing two meals in as little as 45 minutes.WHAT\'S INCLUDED: 2 sheet pans, 2 wire racks, 1 Air Fry Basket, 1 Crumb Tray, Pro Cook Thermometer, Quick Start and 15 Recipe Guide.
Meet the Ninja Double Stack XL Countertop Oven & Air Fryer with Pro Cook System. Use just the top or bottom oven, or sync both independent ovens to cook a full course meal that finishes cooking at the same time with Smart Finish with DualZone Technology. With FlexDoor that creates 2 separate ovens so you can cook 2 meals, 2 ways at different temperatures & cooking times. The Pro Cook System with Auto Detect Intelligence precisely monitors temperatures, so you don’t have to. Plus, 12-in-1 functionality.

2025-01-07 10:40:08

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