해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
I24 Ultra Unlocked Phone,Smartphone,Built in Pen Cell Phone,6+256GB Android 13.0 Battery 6800mAh 6.82" HD Screen,with 128GB Memory Card The Phone,Face ID/5G/Fingerprint Lock/GPS (Yellow)

상품번호 B0DB9PX9RY
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상품구분 Cell Phones & Accessories / Cell Phones
브랜드 Brand: Hanjiejie
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $188.88
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【6.82 HD+ Android 13.0】 This is an Android Cell phone with a large screen,6.82”HD+ Display 1440*3040,This unlocked Android 13.0 I24 Ultra phone is equipped with a 108MP main camera and a 48MP front facing camera, And it has facial recognition and screen fingerprint unlocking functions, which effectively protect your privacy.Snapdragon8 Gen2 CPU + 128GB Expandable TF Card】 Snapdragon8 Gen2 10 Core CPU with 6GB+256GB of memory is enough for you to use any application simultaneously, Install an additional 128GB storage card to easily store your favorite music, videos, and pictures, and easily improve the cost-effectiveness of your phone.【Dual SIM and Global Band 5G Phone】Dual SIM & 3 Card Slots, I24 Ultra Smartphone adopts 2+1 card slot design, supports two 5G SIM cards, you can use the second number without carrying an extra mobile phone. Excellent transmission speed allows you to freely explore the online world.【6800mAh Long lasting battery】The I24 Ultra is powered by a large 6800mAh battery, providing you with the power you need for a day and allowing you to play freely.【Business Services】The main additional features of this phone include: Fingerprint Lock+Face ID+Dual SIM+GPS+WIFI+BT+FM, and accessories include: Phone, Built in Pen, Screen Protector, Earphone, Phone Case, Power Adapter, USB Cable, Clip pin. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us and we will solve them as soon as possible within 7 * 24 hours.

2024-09-30 03:43:09

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