해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Tablet,10.1" Android Tablet with Octa-core Processor 10GB RAM 128GB ROM HD IPS Touchscreen 8H Battery, Wi-Fi 6, BT 5.0, Dual Camera, Google Tablets 2024

상품번호 B0DBHM9L4B
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상품구분 Electronics / Computers & Accessories
브랜드 Brand: URAO
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $89.99
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【High Performance】URAO Android tablet features the latest operating system Android 14 and an 2.0 GHz octa-core processor ensure of excellent performance, seamless multitasking, getting rid of annoying ads, emphasizing privacy and security by designing enhanced app permissions, providing you complete management control.【Massive Storage】Our tablet comes with 10GB RAM 128GB ROM & maximun 1TB TF card ( not included )expandable of a fast APP launch & smooth gaming experience. URAO tablet come with pre-installed Google Play Store, you can easily download any needed Apps.【HD Eyes Protection】Equipped with high resolution 1280*800 IPS display, which shows a brightly colored wide-screen for a more realistic viewing experience with sharper and brighter images.Front& rear cameras satisfy video calls, online learning, etc.【Large Capacity Battery with Fast Charge】Built-in large capacity and low consumption CPU enable our tablet to stand by for up to 3 days and allows you to enjoy up to 6 hours.URAO tablet dopts fast-charging technology which can be fully charged in 1.5 hour.【Wi-Fi 6+Bluetooth5.0】URAO android tablet 10 inch adopts the lastest sixth generation WiFi technology and the upgraded bluetooth 5.0. Dual band integrated chips make the 5g WiFi and 2.4g WiFi more stable and the lastest bluetooth 5.0 connection supports all your favorite accessories, highly increased the speed of data transfer, improved network capacity and reduced network delays.

2024-10-02 10:59:13

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