해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Dash Mount Phone Holder for 2015-2020 F150 2017-2022 F250 F350 Metal Cellphone Mounting Bracket Stand for Most Cell Phones

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상품가격 $59.98
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SPECIAL PHONE HOLDER FOR FORD: Surfcabin dash mount phone holder is specially designed for 2015-2020 f150 and 2017-2022 f250&f350, and also for 2018-2021 Expedition. Please know that this phone holder is ONLY applicable to the above vehicle modelsFACTORY LIKE DASH PHONE MOUNT: Surfcabin improves the stability of the phone holder base, all metal and screws lock on the car dash, stay still and will not move even on bumpy trails or off-road. You can explore the toughest terrain with confidenceEASY TO USE: The left and right sides of the dash mount phone holder base are upgraded according to the storage box of the car dashboard, which greatly reduces the gap and fits your dashboard better. Easy to Use -- Two DIY installation methods are provided. In addition to installing it with the included tape on the bottom plate, you can also fix it with screws360° ROTATION: The mobile phone clamp has a wide adjustment angle and range, fits most cell phones. Surfcabin phone mount holder for F150 adopts the method of clamping the arm combined with an extension rod. The extra joint enables our mobile phone clamp to be flexibly adjusted at a large downward angleBALL HEAD SIZE COMPATIBILITY: The base of the phone mount holder uses a central 8mm rail, which is compatible with any ball head fixed with M8 bolts. In addition, you can also DIY two rows of upper and lower rails, which are compatible with diamond base ball heads, round base ball heads, and rectangular base ball heads The ball head is flexible to adjust, and can be fixed by the guide rail to adjust the ball head to any position of the baseBALL HEAD SIZE COMPATIBILITY: It uses a standard 25mm/1 inch ball head and a 17mm ball head is obtained through a double ball head extension rod, which is compatible with devices and machines fixed by a ball head. Suitable for mobile phone chucks of more specifications, and compatible with conventional mobile phone chucks fixed by self-locking nutsPACKAGE: 1x dash phone mount holder, 1x manual instruction, 2x cleaning kits (No drilling required), 2x adhesion promoters (No drilling required). Drilling accessories: 1x L-shaped hexagonal wrench, 1x drill bit (not included with electric drill), 1x micro wrench, 1x plastic pry bar, 1 set screw accessories

2025-01-08 16:18:24

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