해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
MZK 20V 13-Inch Cordless Electric Snow Shovel with Directional Plate - Battery Powered Snow Thrower & Adjustable Front Handle,Power Snow Shovel for Driveway (4-Ah Battery & Quick Charger Included)

상품번호 B0DBQ9W455
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상품구분 Patio, Lawn & Garden / Snow Removal
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상품가격 127.99
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[Effortless Snow Clearing]: The MZK Cordless Snow Shovel, your answer to hassle-free winter maintenance. With a generous 12-inch snow clearance width, snow removal becomes a quick and efficient task.[Feather-Light Construction]: Weighing in at a mere 9.15 pounds, our Cordless Snow Shovel redefines convenience. Say farewell to the burdensome nature of traditional snow shovels and welcome this lightweight companion.[Adaptable Snow Discharge]: Equipped with an adjustable snow chute, this innovative snow shovel empowers you to control snow ejection within a ±30-degree range. Direct the snow precisely where you need it, simplifying your snow-clearing process.[Prolonged Power]: Powered by a robust 4Ah battery and featuring fast-charging capability, our Cordless Snow Shovel provides users with nearly 25 minutes of uninterrupted usage. Tackle the toughest snow-covered areas without constant interruptions.[Fantastic Customer Service]: MZK committed to providing you with the best shopping experience possible. If you have any questions or problems with your MZK tool, please feel free to contact us. We\'re always here to help you solve any problems you may encounter.

2024-11-29 18:37:21

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