해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Hurley Men's Voyager Jacket - Lightweight Hooded Quilted Canvas Sweater Vest Jacket - Insulated Utility Jacket for Men (S-XL)

상품번호 B0DBSR4J88
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상품가격 $69.99
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The Hurley Men\'s Voyager Jacket is an innovative and versatile piece of outerwear designed for modern adventurers. This stylish jacket features a combination of materials for optimal performance and comfort. The shell is crafted from durable 100% polyester quilted canvas Cordura, providing robust protection against the elements. The use of 100% cotton duck canvas and a blend of 60% cotton and 40% polyester fleece enhances durability and warmth. The hood lining is made from soft 100% cotton heather jersey, adding an extra layer of comfort, while the body lining consists of smooth 100% polyester taffeta. This jacket is filled with ThermalWall polyfill, ensuring excellent insulation without excessive bulk. The Voyager Jacket is thoughtfully designed with a metal zipper closure at the center front, making it easy to wear and remove. Practical features include welt hand pockets for secure storage and a 1x1 sweater rib cuff for a snug fit. The straight hem at the waist adds to the jacket\'s sleek, streamlined look. Whether you\'re exploring the city or venturing into the great outdoors, the Hurley Men\'s Voyager Jacket offers the perfect balance of style, comfort, and functionality. It is available in two versatile colors and in sizes ranging from Small to X-Large, catering to a variety of preferences and body types. This jacket is not only machine washable but also designed to meet the demands of an active lifestyle, making it a must-have addition to any wardrobe.

2024-10-02 22:29:43

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