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Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition Essentials Bundle including All-new Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition (32GB) - Black, Plant-Based Leather Cover - Black, and Wireless Charging Dock

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상품가격 $200.47
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Great value – Includes an All-new Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition (32 GB), Plant-Based Leather Cover, and Wireless Charging Dock—up to a $283 value.Our fastest Kindle ever – The next-generation 7“ Paperwhite display has a higher contrast ratio with 20% faster page turns.Upgrade your reading experience – The Signature Edition features an auto-adjusting front light, wireless charging, and 32 GB storage.Ready for travel – The ultra-thin design has a larger glare-free screen so pages stay sharp no matter where you are.Escape into your books – Your Kindle doesn’t have social media, notifications, or other distracting apps.Adapts to your surroundings – The auto-adjusting front light lets you read in the brightest sunlight or late into the night.Battery life for marathon reading – A single charge via USB-C lasts up to 12 weeks, or power up with a wireless charging dockCover that completes your reading experience – Opens and closes like a book to wake your Kindle or put it to sleep.Easy to use – Case folds back for easy one-handed reading. Designed for hours of comfortable reading.Created with sustainibility in mind – All-new plant-based leather crafted in Italy is soft and supple like leather, with a microfiber interior to help protect your screen from scratches.

2024-11-29 00:14:31

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