해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Vintage Leather Band Compatible with Apple Watch Ultra 2 / Ultra Band 49mm 46mm 45mm 44mm, 26mm Wide Crazy Horse Leather Strap for iWatch Ultra Series 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Retro Brown/Black

상품번호 B0DC9FK1Z2
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상품가격 $22.99
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Compatibility: Compatible with Apple Watch Ultra 49mm / Ultra 2 49mm / Series 10 46mm / Series 9 8 7 45mm / Series 6 SE 5 4 44mmOne Size Fits Most: Adjustable size fits 6.5\'\'-8.5\'\'(165mm - 215mm) wristCrazy Horse Leather: Made of premium comfortable crazy horse top grain genuine leather with solid matte stainless steel buckle. Rubbing with hard objects will cause marks, please wipe it out with cotton cloth, it will fade or disappear. Please try to avoid using the watch band in the bathroom or swimming pool26MM Wider Design: The wider watch band best fits the Ultra. Design for any bold soulHand-stitched: Hand-stitched with precision by skilled artisans, every stitch is a reflection of our commitment to excellenceRetro Style: The combination of printed pattern and the genuine crazy horse leather materials simple but attractive, look fantastic and giving a retro look on any occasion

2024-10-02 00:24:35

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