해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Massage Chair Full Body with SL-Track, Zero Gravity Space Capsule Shiatsu Massage Recliner with Heat Function, Airbags, Extendable Footrest, Bluetooth and 22 Auto Modes for Home and Office

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상품가격 $1,599.00
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【Customizable Massage Programs】The BNEHS full body massage chair with Zero Gravity offers 22 automatic massage programs and 5 manual modes, allowing you to personalize your relaxation experience. The massage roller is 95%+ similar to human massage. With 6-speed adjustments and 3-speed air pressure controls, you can easily tailor the massage intensity to your preferences【Intelligent SL-Track Massage System】Designed to accommodate different body types, this shiatsu massage chair features an advanced scanning system that detects shoulder position and adjusts the massage position and back width accordingly. The SL-Track massage roller tracks follow the natural curves of your body from the neck to the thighs, providing a targeted and customized massage experience【Zero Gravity Mode for Ultimate Relaxation】Experience the sensation of weightlessness with the one-button Zero Gravity mode. This feature elevates your legs above your heart, reducing spinal pressure and improving circulation. Enjoy a truly relaxed and rejuvenating massage session【Full-Body Coverage with Airbag Massage】Indulge in complete relaxation with the 12 airbags strategically placed to target your shoulders, hands, and legs. These airbags provide gentle compression and rhythmic movements, enhancing the overall massage experience. In addition, the 2-stage heating system in the lumbar area combines airbag massage and localised heating to give you a truly relaxing massage【Foot Massage】3 foot roller massage modes provide full roller kneading of the feet to stimulate acupuncture points and relieve pain. The calf section is retractable to a length of 15cm and is adjustable in width, allowing the massage chair to accommodate people of different sizes and heights【Bluetooth Connectivity for Enhanced Experience】Connect your mobile phone to the massage chair via Bluetooth and immerse yourself in a 3D surround music while enjoying your massage. Double the relaxation by combining the soothing benefits of music with the therapeutic effects of the massage【Wide range of uses】This recliner with massage function is easy to store and move, making it perfect for your living room, bedroom or office, and it\'s also the best gift for your parents, friends, partners, etc【Reliable Service Guarantee】We provide a 3 year warranty and unlimited customer service. If you have any questions or problems with our full body massage chair, please feel free to contact us through Amazon. We will do our best to solve your problem and make sure you have the best shopping experience

2024-10-31 21:32:25

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