해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
OtterBox Samsung Galaxy S24 (Only) - Defender Series Case - Baby Blue Jeans (Blue) - Rugged & Durable - with Port Protection - Holster Clip Includes - Non-Retail Packaging

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상품가격 $42.95
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Perfect Fit for Samsung Galaxy S24 (Only - Not Compatible with Galaxy S24 Plus/S24 Ultra): Precision-engineered exclusively for the Samsung Galaxy S24, this OtterBox case offers a flawless fit. It not only preserves your phone\'s sleek design but also ensures unparalleled protection against everyday hazards.Superior Drop Protection: Rigorously tested, this case surpasses military standards (MIL-STD-810G 516.6), enduring 5X more drops. Rest assured, your phone is safeguarded in the most unexpected situations with OtterBox\'s commitment to superior protection.Slim Yet Tough: Experience the perfect balance with a slim profile that comfortably fits in your pocket, coupled with the strength of OtterBox. Made with 50% recycled plastic, this case stands for both eco-conscious durability and uncompromised toughness.Wireless Charging Compatible: Ingeniously designed for modern convenience, this case fully supports wireless charging. Its magnet-free design ensures seamless compatibility, keeping your Samsung Galaxy S24 ready for use at all times.Trusted OtterBox Quality: With OtterBox, you\'re not just buying a case; you\'re investing in peace of mind. Our limited lifetime warranty covers material and workmanship defects, guaranteeing quality and exceptional customer service.

2024-11-30 02:15:34

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