해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
BERFY Magnetic for iPhone 16 Pro Case, Compatible with Magsafe, Built-in 9H Tempered Glass Screen Protector & Upgraded Camera Protection, Full-Body Plating Phone Case for 16 Pro 6.3", Desert Gold

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상품가격 $15.98
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[Built-in 9H Glass Screen Protector] BERFY for iPhone 16 Pro case with built-in screen protector that protects against scratches while keeping the touch screen highly responsive. Enjoy clear, bubble-free visuals with ease[Powerful & Upgrade Magnet] This 16 Pro magnetic case equipped with upgraded magnets, perfect perfectly compatible with MagSafe accessories, such as magnetic power banks, car mounts, and wallets, providing better magnetic compatibility and convenience while ensuring that it not fall off easily[360°Full-Body Protection] The 16 Pro phone case is designed with dual-layer glass front and back cover that provides 360-degree full-body rugged protection against scratches and impact damage. Cushioned corners protects your phone from accidental drops[Stylish Metallic Glossy] Utilizing exclusive electroplating technology, the soft TPU is plated with a layer of metal and transparent hard back cover. Upgrade your phone for 16 Pro with a sleek, eye-catching look[Perfect Compatibility & Professional Support]: This phone case is ONLY Compatible with iPhone 16 Pro 6.3 inches. For any unexpected issues, such as wrong model, defective case or damaged items, BERFY dedicated customer service team will provide you with a satisfactory response

2024-11-27 23:44:59

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