해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
KIMODE Anti Fatigue Kitchen Mat 20"x39", Boho Distressed Kitchen Floor Mats Non Slip, Waterproof Kitchen Mat for Floor, Comfort Kitchen Runner Rug for Laundry Office Sink Desk Brown

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상품가격 39.95
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Anti-fatigue Kitchen Mat: Cushioned kitchen floor mats are constructed with 0.47 inch (12 mm) extra thick, long-lasting anti-fatigue memory foam center providing the comfort for your feet, back and legs, when you are cooking in kitchen or working at your standing deskNon-Slip Kitchen Rug: Equipped with a padded non slip bottom so that the standing mat stays in place both on hard and carpet floors.Fully protect you and your family\'s safety when you use this rubber backing mat.Tip:The effect will be better if you use the non skid mat on dry groundWater, Stain & Oil Resistant: The cushioned kitchen carpets\' surface is made of premium PVC material. When you use the Kitchen mat to cook in the kitchen, the kitchen floor mat can resist water, oil, and residue well, keeping your kitchen floor tidyEasy Care and Clean: Simply vacuum regularly, shake or sweep off debris, and spot clean with a solution of mild detergent and water when needed. Support wipe clean and vacuum clean,air dry and dry flat.This advantage saves you a lot of time in cleaning the matVersatile: The boho style kitchen rug easily to match your kitchen decor,bright your home.Soft thick foam provides ample support for standing in kitchen sink,laundry room, office,bathroom,dinning room,or any other high-traffic area

2025-01-08 21:54:28

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