해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Low Dose Aspirin 81mg for Adults Coated Caplets - Compare to Active Ingredient in Low Dose Bayer Aspirin 81mg for Adults - Safety Coated Baby Aspirin 81mg - Adults 81 mg Aspirin (300 Count)

상품번호 B0DCW98KQ4
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LOW DOSE, BIG IMPACT - Nuvicare 81mg aspirin low dose coated caplets deliver reliable relief for minor aches and pains and help support heart health in a compact, easy-to-swallow caplet form. A low dose baby aspirin option for adults who prefer to avoid higher dosages.COMPARE TO ACTIVE INGREDIENT IN BAYER - Get the same active ingredient found in Bayer low dose aspirin 81mg for adults coated tablets. Nuvicare is an OTC solution with the same benefits as other enteric coated aspirin 81 mg tablets, at a fraction of the cost.RELIEF FOR MINOR ACHES & PAINS - Don’t let discomfort slow you down. Nuvicare\'s 81mg baby aspirin for adults provides temporary relief of minor aches and pains including those from headaches, body aches, muscle soreness, cramps, tooth pain, and joint pain.SUPPORTS HEART HEALTH - Aspirin is not recommended for everyone, so check with your doctor first. For those on a doctor recommended regimen, low dose aspirin provides an OTC solution that can help support heart health as part of your daily routine.SAFETY COATED & EASY TO SWALLOW - Enteric coated for safety and easy to swallow, Nuvicare caplets are gentle on the stomach. The enteric coating allows the caplet to move safely from the stomach through the small intestine, reducing the chance of any digestive discomfort.

2025-01-07 19:40:53

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