해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
KAMRUI GK3Plus Mini PC, 8GB DDR4 256GB M.2 SSD | Mini Computers, 12th Alder Lake N97(up to 3.60GHz), Mini Desktop PC, 2.5''SSD, Gigabit Ethernet, 2xHDMI+VGA 4K Triple Display

상품번호 B0DD3QVM3N
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상품가격 139.99
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【8GB RAM 256GB SSD UP TO 2TB】--KAMRUI mini desktop computer with high-speed 8GB DDR4, Built-in 256GB M.2 2280 SSD. 8GB of RAM memory makes your entire system speedy and responsive. That way it can support tasks like memory-hogging multitab browsing and opening a huge graphic file quickly and easily. If you want more storage space, you can also add a 2.5" SSD (no included) to expand the memory upgrade storage to 2TB to expand the memory wonderful safety data bank.【NEW GENERATION CPU-N97】--Newest 12th Alder Lake N97 (2.0GHz, MAX TO 3.6GHz, 4 cores, 6MB Cache) processor (2024 New Releases). Compared with (N100/N95/N5105/N5100/N5095), GK3PLUS MINI PC N97 CPU performance +35%, GPU +78%, more powerful performance and smoother running. UHD Graphics 1.20 GHz handles like browsing internet, reading email, editing documents, home office, and more with ease, even for professional uses like photos editing.【IMPRESSIVE GRAPHICS】--KAMRUI mini desktop pc comes with Graphics 1.20 GHz, Supports HD (4096 x 2160), 4K@60GHz three screen display(2X HDIM+VGA). Images come alive with new levels of realism, text is sharp and clear, and colors are more vibrant. You can enjoy 4K Web surfing, video playback, watching TV, home theater, and enjoy the entertainment with your family. Dual HDMI Ports, easily connecting 3 monitors, reduce waiting time, efficiency doubled Work, Entertaining and Creation.【SMALL BUT POWERFUL PC】--MINI PC Silver Series has a great texture. The small computer measures only 5.1in * 5.1in * 1.96in, you can be easily placed in crowded workstations or small spaces. Because of the small size to put under your big screen TV for internet movies instead of just limited by the smart TV paid options. You can also mount a MINI PC behind a computer monitor using VESA, and turn your monitor into a pseudo "All-in-One" which is cool.【MULTIPLE CONNECTIONS】--KAMRUI micro computer comes with Gigabit Ethernet supports, 2.4G+5.0G dual band WiF and Bluetooth 4.2. Simply compatible – All your existing apps work. It which could be connected with your mouse, acoustics or headset. It can work with server, monitoring equipment, office equipment, monitor, projector, TV and so on. Built-in fan cooling so you don\'t have to worry about multitasking overheating your product.【KAMRUI Care FOR YOU】--1x GK3PLUS N97 8GB RAM 256GB ROM Mini Desktop Computer, 1x Mounting Bracket, 1x HDMI Cable, 1x Power Adapter, 1x Instruction Manual. Whenever you need us, KAMRUI employees will always be here and handle all problems for you. We offer lifetime technical support and 12-month satisfication service, please feel free to contact us if any issues happened.

2025-01-07 01:28:28

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