해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
21mg Quit Smoking Patches,Step 1 Stop Smoking Aids Patches,30 Count Transdermal System Patch,Quit Smoking Stickers That Work with 2 Weeks,Easy and Effective Help to Quit That Work

상품번호 B0DD42943H
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Health & Household / Health Care
브랜드 Brand: Tooffi
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $19.99
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NATURAL INGREDIENTS: Our 21 mg Quit smoking patches is made from natural ingredients that are effective in helping ex-smokers to quit smoking and ensure the safety of the userALL DAY QUIT SMOKING AID: The transdermal system patches are designed for 24-hour assistance in quitting smoking. Each stop smoking patch releases 21mg over 24 hours, making it easy to help you quit smoking and the addiction to cigarettesBEHAVIORAL SUPPORT: The stop smoking aids help to reduce addiction, relieve irritability, anxiety, frustration and restlessness during the process of quitting smoking, and allow you to enjoy life withoutOPTIMAL QUITTING PROGRAM: The patch provides a three-step approach to quitting smoking, if you smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day: start with step 1; if you smoke 10 cigarettes a day or less: start with step 2 for 6 weeks, then start with step 3 for 2 weeks. Use 1 tablet per day as directedEASY TO USE: Apply a new Quit smoking aids patch to dry, clean, hairless skin every 24 hours. Remove the liner from the quit patch and immediately press it against the skin. Hold for ten seconds. Wash your hands after applying or removing the patch

2025-01-09 14:53:23

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