해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Detachable Backrest Sissy Bar Pack of Sport Luggage Rack for Harley Softail Sport Glide Low Rider FLSB FXLR FXLRS FXLRST 2018-Later Black with Docking Hardware Kit

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fits for Low Rider El Diablo FXRST 2022; Low Rider S FXLRS 2020-2024; Low Rider ST FXLRST 2022-2024; Sport Glide FLSB 2018-2021.Package Includes: detachable backrest sissy bar . The package contains: 1x sissy bar upright, 1x solid luggage rack, 1x detachable backrest pad, 1 set of 4-point docking hardware This sissy bar set comes with all the necessary hardware for immediate installation upon delivery.A sissy bar, passenger backrest pad, and luggage rack together create the ideal setup for a fully optimized touring motorcycle. The backrest significantly enhances long-distance comfort and support, giving the passenger a greater sense of confidence and control.This sissy bar incorporate an advanced latch system that allows the backrest to be installed or removed within seconds, adding versatility to your ride. The sissy bar upright seamlessly aligns with the docking points, and the fingertip latches ensure a secure lock.The addition of a luggage rack further elevates this configuration, offering a practical, stylish, and convenient solution for packing gear on your journey, without compromising the bike\'s sleek design
1. A sissy bar, passenger backrest pad, and luggage rack together create the ideal setup for a fully optimized touring motorcycle. The backrest significantly enhances long-distance comfort and support, giving the passenger a greater sense of confidence and control. 2. This sissy bar incorporate an advanced latch system that allows the backrest to be installed or removed within seconds, adding versatility to your ride. The sissy bar upright seamlessly aligns with the docking points, and the fingertip latches ensure a secure lock. 3. The addition of a luggage rack further elevates this configuration, offering a practical, stylish, and convenient solution for packing gear on your journey, without compromising the bike\'s sleek design 4. Package Includes: A brand new aftermarket detachable backrest sissy bar The package contains: 1x sissy bar upright, 1x solid luggage rack, 1x detachable backrest pad, 1 set of 4-point docking hardware This sissy bar set comes with all the necessary hardware for immediate installation upon delivery. 5. fits for Low Rider El Diablo FXRST 2022; Low Rider S FXLRS 2020-2024; Low Rider ST FXLRST 2022-2024; Sport Glide FLSB 2018-2021.

2024-10-01 14:34:08

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