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Brooklinen Luxury Sateen 4 Piece Sheet Set - 100% Cotton, Queen Size in Slate Grey - 1 Fitted Sheet, 1 Flat Sheet, 2 Pillowcases | Best Luxury Sheets

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상품가격 $189.00
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LUXURY SATEEN 4 PIECE SHEET SET: Featuring a rich, buttery-smooth weave, our best-selling Luxe Sateen Sheets are the ultimate bedding upgrade. Perfect for elevating your sheet game, these sheets feature a luxurious 480 thread count and a slightly luminous finish. Start styling your bed with the Core Sheet Set, which includes 1 fitted sheet, 1 flat sheet, and 2 pillowcases.OUR BEST SELLING COMFORT: Rated Best Overall Sheets to Buy by Good Housekeeping, Brooklinen uses long staple cotton to produce the smoothest and softest sheets, offering unmatched quality and durability.EASY CARE: Machine washable. For the best results and a long life, when drying choose low heat and gentle tumble cycle.ECO-FRIENDLY: Our sheets are OEKO-TEX certified, meaning they\'re free of harmful chemicals, so you can sleep good knowing our sheets are safe for you and for Mother Earth.SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: If you\'re unhappy with your purchase, we\'ll find a solution for you. All products can be returned or exchanged within 30 days.
Ideal for softness lovers and those craving a little luxury in life. An ultra-smooth feel that only gets better with time. Our lustrous Luxe Sateen sheets start with the highest quality threads (talk about a first-class feel), using 480 thread count long-staple cotton with a one-yarn-under and three-yarn over weave. This means more thread surface is exposed, giving our Luxe Sateen its signature silky-soft feel and luminous sheen. Sateen is more tightly woven, which means you get a warmer, incredibly soft sheet that\'s ideal for year-round comfort.

2025-01-08 08:07:46

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