해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
RC Plane 4 Channel Remote Control Airplane - Ready to Fly P51 Mustang RC Airplane for Beginners Adult with Xpilot Stabilization System & One Key Aerobatic

상품번호 B0DDKKZR41
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Remote & App Controlled Vehicles & Parts
브랜드 Brand: GLUISEUR
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $117.99
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【?Easy to Remote Control】GLUISEUR Airplane has a simple operation mode which only needs to press the switch and pull the stick to easily control the aerobatics of the aircraft. It can take off after you assemble the wheels, and it is also convenient to carry. Best outdoor games and toys for you!【?Long Time Flying and More Fun】Each battery provides up to 15 minutes of flight time (Include 2 batteries). The powerful thrust and power system enables the aircraft to have excellent flying speed. The longest flying distance of this product is 656 feet, so you can enjoy the pleasure and remote control flight experience.【?‍?More Suitable for Beginners】GLUISEUR Aircraft has flight control assistance, which can help beginners gradually learn how to control the aircraft. And the assistance system also can provide users with a stable flight experience. This product supports both horizontal ground take-off and throw take-off. Because the product has great stability. The three-level flight control can easily perform stunts, and the solid RC aircraft wheels can land safely and smoothly.【?Product Information】The airplane is made of EPP foam crash-resistant material, the fuselage length of this RC aircraft is 14 inches, wingspan (15 inches)and it includes 2 batteries and 4 propellers(3-bladed propeller*2, 2-bladed propeller*2) . The plane comes with propeller save which keeps the propeller from damage.【?SATISFACTION AFTER SERVICE】If you are not satisfied with any of our products for any reason, please feel free to contact us. We take full responsibility for product quality and will do our best to solve your problems quickly and effectively!

2025-02-05 06:15:25

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