해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Hikole 24V Electric Ride on Jeep, 2 Seater Battery Powered Truck with 20" Wide Seat, 4x100W Powerful Wheels, Music, Remote Control, LED Lights, Ride on Car for Big Kids Boys 4-8, Black

상품번호 B0DDLB5RY7
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4WD/2WD SWITCHABLE AND POWERFUL MOTOR: This 24v electric kids ride on car features a 4WD/2WD switch and powerful 4x100W motors, enabling it to conquer any terrain. With a thrilling top speed of 6 mph, this 2-seater battery-powered kids car delivers an exhilarating driving experience.2 DRIVE MODES & REAL 2 SEATS: This 24v 2 seater kids car with spacious 20" seats provides plenty of cockpit space for two children up to 4 years old or 3-8 years old. In addition, this 2 seater ride on car with remote control can offer 2 driving modes. Children can enjoy the thrill of self-driving while parents can ensure safety by using the remote control.SAFE 24V RIDE ON TOYS: This 24v ride on toy is made from durable and non-toxic safety materials throughout the body and is equipped with 2 seat belts, soft start, 4-wheel suspension shock absorbers and a remote emergency brake button. All these features maximise your child\'s safety and provide a safe and enjoyable play experience!STYLISH MUSIC & COOL LIGHTING: For an even more enjoyable driving experience, this kids ride on truck is equipped with great sounding in-car music and supports wireless connectivity for additional playback of favourite music and stories for young drivers. The front of the vehicle also features colourful headlights for a cooler look.IDEAL GIFT: This 24V 2 seater ride on car is an ideal gift. With a spacious 20" two-seater design, realistic car look, and cool changing headlights, it\'s love at first sight for kids. Whether it\'s Christmas, Halloween, Easter, or their birthday, it\'s a great gift choice for all boys girls. Car size: 33"(W)*47.6"(L)32.2"(H).

2025-01-11 02:38:39

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