해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
TYBOATLE Rattan Dining Chairs Set of 6, Kitchen Chairs, Green Leather Boho Dining Room Chairs, Mid Century Modern Woven Upholstered Chair with Metal Leg Cane Chairs (6, Green)

상품번호 B0DDQ2CT2M
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상품가격 $454.99
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Stylish and Versatile Design: This dining chair features a sleek, modern design with a touch of mid-century modern charm. The aesthetics presents minimalist committed to weeding out the superfluousness and spends more time on what’s essential. The backrest is crafted from PE rattan, adding a unique vintage flair that brings warmth and a natural touch to any dining space. The deep green seat cushion contrasts beautifully with the black metal frame, creating a sophisticated and elegant look that complements a wide range of interior stylesPerfect for Various Settings: Ideal for dining rooms, kitchens, or even cafes, this chair is as versatile as it is stylish. Whether you’re hosting a dinner party or enjoying a quiet meal, this chair provides the perfect seating solution. It’s perfect for large restaurants, trendy cafes, and bistros, where style and durability are essential. Its lightweight design makes it easy to move around, ensuring that it can adapt to various occasions and seating arrangementsDurable Materials and Sturdy Construction: Built with a strong metal frame, this chair is designed for durability and stability. Thanks to the tubular steel, the whole frame has implemented a cleaner and more rational geometric aesthetics. Because of the rigidity of steel, this incredibly durable frame grants a sturdy structure, ensuring a long-term service. Simultaneously chairs can be stacked together for ease of storage. The cushioned seat is upholstered in soft, high-quality faux leather, offering both comfort and ease of maintenance. The metal legs are equipped with anti-slip pads, protecting your floors and enhancing the chair\'s stability, even on smooth surfacesEasy to Clean and Maintain: The chair\'s design prioritizes both comfort and practicality. The faux leather seat is not only soft and comfortable but also easy to clean—simply wipe it down with a damp cloth to keep it looking pristine. The simple steel tube frame is designed with clean lines and minimal crevices, making it resistant to dirt buildup and easy to maintain. This feature is particularly advantageous in high-traffic areas such as large restaurants and cafes, where cleanliness is essentialQuick and Simple Assembly: This chair is designed for easy assembly, taking only a few minutes to set up. With clear instructions and minimal components, you’ll have your new dining chair ready to use in no time, without the need for specialized tools

2024-09-06 07:44:06

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