해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Liberry Kids Golf Club Set for 3 4 5 6 Years Old Boys Girls, Toddler Golf Set with Putting mat, Cornhole Board, Scorecard, Outdoor Indoor Sports Toys Christmas Birthday Gift

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상품가격 $29.99
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Multi-Functional Play: Liberry kids golf set offers a variety of play modes, ranging from a basic golf mat for beginners to a challenging golf cornhole board for more advanced play. This kids golf clubs set provides multiple play to captivate and entertain young golfersRealistic Golf Clubs: The toddler golf set includes 3 retractable clubs that mimic a real golfing experience—a wood for long-distance drives, an iron for versatile shots, and a putter for close-range accuracy. Suitable for teaching toddlers different swings and techniquesInteractive Scoreboard: This toddler golf clubs set comes with a scoreboard and pen, allowing kids to keep track of their scores and compete against friends or family members. This interactive feature adds an element of excitement and encourages social play and friendly competitionPortable & Organized: All accessories can be neatly stored in the included blue storage bag, making it easy to carry the golf playset wherever you go. This golf kit is designed for convenience and portability, ensuring that your child can enjoy hours of golf game anytime, anywhereDevelops Skills: This child golf set helps kids develop hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and body balance. It is suitable for both indoor and outdoor play, making it a versatile and ideal gift for children who are eager to learn and have fun

2025-01-09 11:14:40

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