해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SAMSUNG Galaxy A55 5G Dual SIM (128GB, 8GB) 6.6" 120Hz AMOLED, 8-Core (4nm), 50MP 4K Camera, 4G Volte (GSM Unlocked for T-Mobile, Global) International Model A556E/DS (w/ 256GB SD Card, Iceblue)

상품번호 B0DDZ54MHK
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상품가격 $329.99
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Charger Sold Separately, 6.6" FHD+ Super AMOLED, 120Hz, HDR10+, 1000 nits (HBM), 1080x2340, Fingerprint (under display, optical), IP67 dust and water resistance128GB, 8GB, Expandable MicroSD, Exynos 1480 (4nm), Octa-core, Xclipse 530 GPU, Android 14, up to 4 major Android upgrades, One UI 6.1Rear Camera: 50MP, f/1.8 + 12MP, f/2.2 + 5MP, f/2.4, Front Camera: 32MP, f/2.2, 5000mAh Battery, Bluetooth 5.33G: B1(2100)/2(1900)/4(AWS)/5(850)/8(900), 4G: LTE B1(2100)/2(1900)/3(1800)/4(AWS)/5(850)/7(2600)/8(900)/12(700)/13(700)/17(700)/20(800)/25(1900)/26(850)/28(700)/38(2600)/40(2300)/41(2500)/66(AWS-3), 5G: N1(2100)/3(1800)/5(850)/7(2600)/8(900)/26(850)/28(700)/40(2300)/41(2500)/77(3700)/78(3500)/66(AWS-3) - Dual SIMInternational Model - No Warranty in the US. Compatible with Most GSM Carriers like T-Mobile, Mint, Ultra, Tello. Will NOT work with CDMA Carriers Such as Verizon, Sprint.
The immersive and clear display: The 6.6-inch FHD+ Super AMOLED display provides an immersive experience. Vision Booster enhances visibility by optimizing color and contrast under the sun. Get a vivid display with 1,000 nits. And up to 120Hz adaptive refresh rate for a more responsive experience. Unleash the Octa-core power: Take advantage of the improved Octa-core processor and effortlessly multi-task, game, and stream. Paired with 5G capabilities and internal storage options of 128GB, expandable via a microSD card up to 1TB. Improved GPU, NPU, and integrated cooling system are designed to make your day. Super HDR videos even under challenging lighting conditions: Capture the world in Super HDR with videos that shine in different lighting conditions, thanks to optimized color and contrast. Record precise and smooth motion with OIS and VDIS stabilization in 4K. Capture your best side: The 32MP Selfie camera allows you to capture high-quality selfies with options to choose warm or natural tones. Utilize Portrait Mode to elevate your pictures, sharpening focus on the subject with precise bokeh and background blur effects. Durable against dust and water: IP67 dust and water resistance isn\'t just a feature. It can be your device\'s shield against the elements. Stay connected, capture memories, and explore with confidence, knowing your device is designed to be safeguarded against dust and water intrusion. Empower your day with the 2-day battery: Boundless power at your fingertips with our 5,000mAh (typical) Super Fast Charging battery. Stay connected longer, charge faster, and live life on your terms.

2024-09-06 14:21:15

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