해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
MOVNO Portable Burr Coffee Grinder Electric, Small Cordless Electric Bur Grinder, 40 Adjustable Settings, 1800mAh Coffee Bean Grinder with Conical Ceramic Burr, for Travel, Camping, Espresso, etc

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상품가격 $23.99
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— Precision Automatic Coffee Grinder for Fresh, Consistent Coffee. Experience the true taste of freshly ground coffee with our ceramic burr-style mini coffee grinder mechanism. The ceramic burr generates less heat during the grinding process, which can preserve the natural aroma and aroma of coffee to the greatest extent. Unlike blade grinders, the conical burr coffee grinder ensures a uniform grind size, which is essential for optimal extraction and flavor. Enjoy pure, consistent flavor without any metallic aftertaste.— 40 Adjustable External Grind Settings. With a range of 40 grind levels, you have the flexibility to experiment and fine-tune your coffee to your exact taste. The ultra-fine setting is perfect for rich espresso shots with a velvety crema, while the coarser settings are ideal for brewing methods like French press or cold brew, where a larger grind ensures optimal extraction and flavor. Moreover, it\'s very easy to use—just rotate the adjustment ring without messy grounds or removing the powder cup.— Compact, Portable Design for Coffee on the Go. This small (2.7 * 2.7 * 7.6 inch) yet powerful portable coffee maker is designed to be your perfect travel companion. Lightweight and compact, small coffee grinder fits easily into your bag, making it ideal for outdoor adventures, business trips, or camping. With this portable espresso machine, you can enjoy high-quality coffee wherever you are – no need to compromise on flavor when you’re away from home.— Long-Lasting 1800mAh Battery for Convenient Brewing Anywhere. Recharge via USB, simply charge your burr coffee grinders via USB, whether through a laptop, power bank, or even your car\'s USB port, ensuring that it\'s always ready to go when you need it. Never worry about running out of power in the middle of your coffee-making ritual with our Burr Coffee Grinder. Designed to provide extended use, this high-capacity battery ensures you can brew multiple cups of coffee on a single charge—perfect for travel, camping, or daily use.—Easy to Clean: The whole body of portable coffee grinder can be disassembled and washed, making cleaning more convenient. The equipped brush can simply clean the remaining coffee powder, or directly clean the grinding cavity and transparent tank with water. Note: The host part is forbidden to be washed with water.— Customer Service. MOVNO is dedicated to delivering an exceptional customer experience. In case of any product issues, we offer direct replacements and upgrades. We firmly believe that placing customers first is the key to earning their trust and support.

2025-01-12 02:58:26

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