해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
AI Hand Warmers Rechargeable 14000mAh with Charging Case, SUMAROK 2 Pack Portable HandWarmers, Reusable Electric Pocket Heater for Hunting, Camping Gear, Golf, Outdoors, Gifts for women, men, Raynauds

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상품구분 Sports & Outdoors / Outdoor Recreation
브랜드 Brand: SUMAROK
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $19.99
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Comprehensive Warmth: The double-sided heating hand warmer is here! Unlike the traditional single-sided heating design of hand warmers, our unique double-sided heating technology ensures all-around warmth; More lightweight and convenient, allowing you to experience all-round warmth from your palm to your fingers.Ready-To-Use: 3-level temperature adjustable, 1-second heat up, this electric hand warmer has a wider temperature range from 95 ° F to 136 ° F. Our hand warmer is designed to be easy to use, simply press a button to turn it on/off, click to switch heating levels, or double-click to check battery level.Adequate Battery: 10,000mAh large capacity charging case, each hand warmer comes with 2,000mAh built-in, even outdoors without worrying. This charging case features a USB-C charging port, which can usually be fully charged within 6.5 hours. When fully charged, it can charge about 4 hand warmers.Safe To Use: The SUAROK rechargeable heater is equipped with an intelligent AI chip that provides intelligent temperature control. In addition, our battery heater has obtained UL, CE, and FCC safety certifications to ensure safe use and prevent overheating or short circuits.What You Get: Premium gift packaging includes 1 Charging case, 2 Hand warmers, USB-C cable, user manual, 12-month warranty, and 24-hour customer service; Perfect gift for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, birthdays, and Valentine\'s Day; Keeps hands warm all day at the office, in class, camping, hunting, or during any outdoor winter activity.

2025-01-07 00:44:41

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