해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
DBC Tire Inflator Portable Air Compressor, 3X Faster Cordless Bike Pump, 20000mAh & 150PSI Portable Air Pump for Car Tires With Digital Dual Values Display for Car, Bike, Motorcycle, Ball

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상품구분 Automotive / Tires & Wheels
브랜드 Brand: DBC
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 39.99
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FAST AND RELIABLE: Designed to be 3X faster than traditional inflators, the tire inflator providing 36L/Min airflow, inflate a small car tire [28-36PSI] in about within 60s, which save you valuable time and effort. The car tire pump allows you to effortlessly inflate your car, SUV, bicycle, motorcycle, or ball tires anywhere, anytimePRECISE PRESSURE CONTROL: The portable air pump for car tires is equipped with two oversized digital LED screens, displaying real-time tire pressure and setting values up and down. Supports 4 pressure measurement units (PSI, KPA, BAR, KG/CM) and 4 preset inflation modes (bicycle, motorcycle, automobile, ball). The custom mode allows you to freely preset the desired pressure value (3-150PSI) based on the inflatables you want to inflateLONG RUNTIME: With built-in 20000mAh large-capacity battery , the bike pump provides long-lasting and reliable performance, allows the car tire pump to refill up to 9 tires (195/65R15) from 30-36PSI. The air pump has 2 ways to use it, it can be used wirelessly and you can also use the car cord to inflate it when it has no powerEASY TO USE: Use “+” and “-” control buttons to set your desired pressure and it will automatically stop when the set pressure is reached. This prevents over-inflation or under-inflation, ensuring optimal tire performance and safety. You can trust this portable air compressor to deliver sufficient air power with a maximum pressure of 150PSI, filling up your tires with easeVERSATILE EMERGENCY TOOL: Cordless and lightweight design makes it suitable for a wide range of applications like home use, car breakdown, SOS light, night light, road trips,and more. The air compressor is equipped with USB-C and USB input/output ports, providing backup power for your phones and other electronic devices.

2024-11-30 22:08:22

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