해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Hand Warmers Rechargeable 2 Pack, 14000 mAh Electric Hand Warmer with Charging Case, Portable Heater for Camping Hunting Gear, Gifts for Women, Men, Christmas, Raynauds, Outdoor, Golf Accessories

상품번호 B0DF7QPXT3
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상품가격 $20.99
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1s Instant Heating & Magnetic Pairing - The magnetic system enhances thermal conductivity and heats quickly in just one second. The magnetic feature ensures that the two hot hands hand warmers remain firmly connected, which you can use together or share with your family. The 2-in-1 design is compact, easy to store, and portable, so you won\'t lose one.Portable Charging Case - These portable hand warmers come with a 10,000mAh charging case for up to 60 hours of continuous warmth even outdoors. You can charge the hand warmer anytime, anywhere, without worrying about carrying extra cables or chargers. In addition, the charging case provides an extra protective layer for hand warmers to protect them from damage.Intelligent Temperature Control & Safety - Our electric hand warmer uses smart AI chips and provides 3 temperature levels for stable, adjustable and precise comfortable heating. In addition, the battery heater is rigorously tested and certified for UL, CE and FCC safety to prevent overheating, short circuits and other potential risks. Ensure reliable warmth in any conditions.Hunting Companion - Cold weather can reduce finger dexterity, and this rechargeable hand warmer will be the perfect addition to your hunting gear, ensuring your hands stay warm and ready to strike at any time. They are also ideal for Raynaud\'s or outdoor enthusiasts such as camping, skiing, golf, fishing, hiking, etc., keeping them warm all day long.Winter Gifts for Anyone - This reusable hand warmer adopts an ergonomic design, with an owl shape that perfectly fits the natural curve of the hand and a non-slip surface for a comfortable and firm grip. It combines warmth and fashion. This portable heater is a thoughtful and practical gift for children, friends and family on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, Valentine\'s Day and birthdays, helping them stay warm and comfortable this winter.

2025-01-09 11:11:51

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