해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
LAUNCH X431 PRO3 ACE Elite Bi-Directional Scan Tool, HD Trucks Scan, OEM Topology Map, Online Coding & 55+ Service, CAN FD & DoIP, V.A.G Guided, FCA AutoAuth, DBSCar VII Connector, 2 Yrs F-Ree Update

상품번호 B0DFB9W42Z
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상품가격 $1,169.00
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【F.R.E.E TPMS Activation Tool + LAUNCH 6V 12V Battery Tester】Just Reach Seller via ediagtools @ hot mail.com to get a FR.E.E TPMS Tool which works for GM cars & a F-R.E.E Battery Tester BST360. In 2025, LAUNCH X431 PRO3 ACE diagnostic tool adds more OE-Level features and updates premium hardware, Faster and Smarter! 2025 Newest DBSCAR VII Bluetooth Connector(Support CANFD Protocols), ECU Online Coding, AutoAuth for FCA SGW, V.A.G Guided Functions, 55+ Hot Services, OEM Topology Mapping,etc【Full Systems Diagnostic+Bidirection Control】Launch X431 PRO3 ACE scanner can perform OE-level diagnosis on all available systems: ECM, TCM, ABS, SRS, BCM, BMS, TPMS, and A/C system, etc. which will read/erase codes, view live data, retrieve ECU version information, do active test and service functions. Bi-directional control can let cars send commands to many systems/components to test their working status, without using the vehicle controls, quickly understand whether a specific system/component is operating normally.【Advanced ECU Coding】The high-end car scanner elite tool-LAUNCH X431 PRO3 ACE works as an OEM scanner to customize cars as needed via advanced ECU coding. LAUNCH X431 PRO3 ACE scan tool can perform Online ECU coding for 95% cars such as VW, Audi, BMW, Porsche,etc to match and code after ECU replacement, Component Matching, PMI, Adaptive Data Reset,Online Calibration,Online Parameterization to diy vehicle settings and disable annoying features and reveal hidden functions etc.【HOT 55+ Reset Service + Intuitive Topology Maps】LAUNCH X431 PRO3 ACE compatible with 200+ car makes 1996-2025 and offers 55+ Hot services for mechanics to do daily auto maintenances in workshops, such as Oil Reset, TPMS Reset, ABS Bleeding, Injector Coding, Throttle Adaptation, Gear Learning, EPB, Seats Calibration, BMS, Gear Learning, AFS Reset,etc covers 99% of car repair and maintenance needs. You will get 100+ reset functions under the Vehicle Brand>System>Special Functions. OEM topology map, streamline your repair analysis and improve work efficiency.【CANFD+DOIP+FCA Autoauth+V.A.G Guided】LAUNCH X431 PRO3 ACE Bidirectional scan tool support CANFD Protocol, for GM (2020-), DOIP Protocol(Need to extra purchase Adapter), for BMW (F&G chassis), Volvo (2018-), Land Rover&Jaguar (2017-). And Autoauth for FCA SGW supports Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Fiat etc. 2017 and later. Guided Function for Volkswagen/Audi/Skoda/Seat, provides step-by-step repair guidance for you, prevent car fault setting caused by wrong operation. Work for some OBD1 cars and there has a lot of adapters in the package.【Optimized Hardware+Wider Coverage】LAUNCH X431 PRO3 ACE automotive scanner has optimized hardware with Android 10.0 OS for quick processing, 10.1 inch, 1280 x 800 large touchscreen,larger 4G+64G (extendable 128GB memory),6300mAh/7.6V super large battery, 2.4GHz&5GHz dual-band Wi-Fi, 8 MP Camera, 2.0GHz 4-core processor making your operation smoother, 25+languages. The new DBScar VII, allowing 33ft. wireless range. Cover 200+ brands (200,000 models,1984-2025),No-IP limitation,compatible with cars/trucks/buses/trailers/pick-up,etc. With lots of obd1 adapters in the package to meet your various need.【14+ Add-On Functions】LAUNCH X431 PRO3 ACE Scanner support 14 extended modules (sold separately), to give your car more comprehensive inspections. Support Smartlink 24V heavy-duty trucks diagnostic modules, TPMS tool--X431 I-TPMS, Battery tester--BST360, Video Scope--VSP600, X-431 Printer, S2-2 Sensorbox, S2-2 Multimiter, New Energy EM 101N Oscilloscope Multimeter, ADAS mobile/PRO, Current Clamp, O2-2 Oscilloscope, ES200 Insulation and etc.【5 Years Wa-rranty + 2 Years F-ree Update + 100% Original】The 100% original Launch scanner X431 PRO3 ACE comes with 5 years wa-rranty; 2 years of subscription-f.r.e.e software upgrades; lifetime tech-nical sup.port. For any problem with booting, charging, APP registration, lack of accessories or diagnostic issues, please feel f.r.e.e to reach us via ediagtools@ hotmail. com or send us your Diagnostic Report, we will help to analyze your cars\' problems. Please note that LAUNCH TECH USA is an offline dealer and they won\'t provide help for Amazon product.

2025-02-05 18:27:48

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