해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
2Pack 3.0Ah DCB120 Battery Replacement for Dewalt 12V Battery Max Lithium-ion DCB120 DCB123 DCB127 Higher Capacity

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브랜드 Brand: Xmenany
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상품가격 $19.99
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[Battery Features]:Type: Rechargable Lithium ion,Voltage:12V,Bigger Capacity:3.0Ah.Replacement for DEWALT 12v battery model.Powers entire line of 12-volt tools,allowing users to run multiple tools off of the same battery pack.[High Quality XRP Battery]:High capacity XRP battery has 35% more run-time than standard batteries Easy to use & handle,high quality material & durable .Our batteries via FCC,ROHS,CE certified,exported North America & European areas.[Compatible With]:Fits all current model 12V tools. E.g:DCB120,DCB121 & DCB127.Compatible with dewalt 12V Max charger:DCB100,DCB101 & DCB119[No Memory Effect,Battery Storage]:Can be charged or discharged as needed without loss of capacity.Store it in a clean,dry,cool place away from heat and metal objects.[Buy with confidence]:For 30 days after the date of purchase,return your undamaged product and receive a refund for ANY reason.12 Months Limited maintenance period.If have any problem ,welcome to contact us.
Our Replacement for DEWAT 12V Battery No more hassle in your DIY jobs.Give your tools a new and long-lasting life Product Advantage: 1.Impact-Resistant outer case and shock-absorbing inner-liner are engineered to protect your DCB120 battery from damage when working. 2.2Pack 3.0Ah capacity is sort of the high capacity batteries, but we think a little bit further. We packed it with 2 batteries to help you done your work with just one breath. 3.ABS+PC Plastic is a kind of solid & heat-resistant material, we use it to make case for the battery so the battery will not easily to get damaged from outside or inside. 4.Compatible with your original electronic device and power up your tools and drills,provides up 3X run time,holds a charge 3X longer and is 30% lighter weight than NI-Cd batteries. Replace OEM P/N: Compatible with Battery: Replacement for Dewalt 12-Volt Lithium Battery DCB120, DCB121, DCB127 Compatible with Charger: Work with charger DCB100, DCB101, DCB119 Compatible Tools Model: Replacement for Dewalt 12V Cordless Power Drill Tool Replacement for Dewalt DCD700, DCD710, DCD710S2 Replacement for Dewalt DCF610, DCF610S2, DCF805, DCF813, DCF813S2, DCF815, DCF815N, DCF815S2 Replacement for Dewalt DCK210S2, DCK211S2 Replacement for Dewalt DCR006 Replacement for Dewalt DCS310, DCS310S1 Replacement for Dewalt DCT410S1, DCT411S1, DCT412, DCT414, DCT416, DCT418, DCT419 Package Includes: 2 * 12V 3.0Ah Li-ion Batteries Replacement for Dewalt 12V Cordless Power Drill Tool

2025-01-08 02:56:20

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