해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
2PCS Cordless LED Work Light for Dewalt 20V Max Battery, 120W 12000LM Battery Light for Dewalt 20V Tools, Portable Flood Light Flashlight with USB & Type-C Charging Port, Low Voltage Protection

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상품가격 $54.99
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【Advanced Safety Design】——Batteries are NOT included. The work light 20v is compatible for Dewalt 18V/20V Lithium-ion batteries, including models DCB206, DCB205, DCB204, DCB181, DCB182, DCB200, DCB203, DCB205-2, DCB204-2, DCB206-2 and more. Featuring an ABS + V2 fireproof base with a low voltage protection board, the shop light 20v safeguards your batteries. If the battery voltage drops below 14.5v, the cordless led work light will automatically shut off to prevent damage.【Bright and Handy】——The LIVOWALNY 60W 6000LM battery light includes 16 LED lamp beads and a 140-degree pivoting head for versatile, multi-directional lighting in dark environments. Please note, the LIVOWALNY flash light comes with a hook for easy hanging and carrying. 2PCS LIVOWALNY cordless light 20v max equivalent to 120W 12000LM brightness, can light up your whole yard and provide enough brightness for your boom party at night.【Versatile with Dual Charging Ports】——This cordless lights features USB-A and Type-C charging ports, allowing simultaneous charging of two devices. It provides multifunctional, user-friendly solutions for powering electronic devices such as mobile phones, wireless headsets, tablets, PSP game consoles, digital cameras, and more with 5V 2.1A output.【Adjustable Brightness】——The 20v tools light offers 6000ML on high and 3000ML on low, providing enhanced illumination for larger areas and meeting various needs. Two lighting modes promote energy savings, reducing costs. The back of the jobsite light incorporates a multi-layer aluminum groove design, improving heat dissipation by 90% and extending the light\'s lifespan.【Wide and Easy Use】——The LIVOWALNY 20v led light features an IP65 waterproof lamp head, making it highly portable. It is ideal for professionals on job sites and for various situations including workshops, construction, maintenance, garages, workbenches, emergency lighting, car repairs, camping, hiking, and fishing.【Notice】——1. Batteries are NOT included in the package. 2. Package contains 2 lights, 1pc light is 60W 60LM, 2pcs equivalent to 120W 12000LM brightness.

2024-10-02 19:09:10

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