해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
24"x35" Radar Feedback Sign, Solar Powered Your Speed LED Radar Speed Display Sign

상품번호 B0DFGD8C3L
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상품구분 Office Products / Office & School Supplies
브랜드 Brand: Cokvbato
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $2,741.99
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Size: 35\'\'x24\'\'Duration on Rainy Days (Fully Charged): 5 daysVisual Distance: 0.5 mileMounting: The U-shaped clamp is suitable for columns with an outer diameter of 76/89mm. If you need other sizes, please contact us for customization.With remote control, you can set the desired speed limit value.
Features: High Intensity Grade reflective Film Easy installation Speed sign remote controller description: Double-click or short-press the □ key multiple times, △ for increase, ▽ for decrease After entering the settings, press □ to confirm the settings and enter the next level Green: Minimum display speed 1 - 60 Red: Speed limit 1-99 Green: Anti-shake value 1-15, the larger the anti-shake ability, the better, the larger the less sensitive Red: Screen retention time unit 0.1S Green: Speed unit: 01: km/h 02: mph Note: Each speed sign has a corresponding remote controller. If you have any questions, please contact us. Product Details: - Size: 35\'\'x24\'\' - Duration on Rainy Days (Fully Charged): 5 days - Thickness of the Aluminum Plate: 1.5mm (Customizable) - LED Luminance: >6000mcd - LED Light Working Life: 10,000H - Visual Distance: 0.5 mile - Mounting: U-shape Hoop mount Regular 76/89 (Customizable)If you have special needs, please contact us Tips: 1. Please install this sign where there is no shade from the direct sunlight. 2. Please check whether the LED lamp can work normally before installation. First turn on the switch, then cover the solar panel to simulate the night state and see whether the LED lamp can work normally. 3. The direction of the solar panel needs to be calibrated during installation. The best angle in the direction that can receive the longest direct sunlight in a day. 4. Please clean the dust on the solar panel every 3 months to ensure that the solar panel can generate electricity normally.

2025-01-08 21:15:32

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