해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Lenovo All-in-One AIO Desktop, 23.8" FHD, Free Microsoft Office, Copilot AI Chat, 13th Gen Intel 5-Core U300 4.4GHz, 16GB DDR5, 1TB SSD, Ethernet, USB-C, WiFi-6, Wireless KB&Mouse, Windows 11 Pro

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상품가격 $639.00
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【Lifetime Office】Free Microsoft Office LTSC Profession Plus 2021 with Lifetime License. Including Word, Excel, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access. Office 2021 is pre-installed and activated, Key is not needed and provided. Please DO NOT install Office 365, which invalidates the Office 2021 license.【Copilot】AI powered chat assistant. Copilot helps you be smarter, more productive, more creative, and more connected to the people and things around you.【Processor】13th Gen Intel U300 Processor 1.2 GHz (5 Cores, 6 Threads, 8M Cache, up to 4.4 GHz with Intel Turbo Boost Technology).【FHD Display】23.8" FHD (1920 x 1080), IPS, Anti-Glare, Non-Touch, 99%sRGB, 250 nits, 100Hz, 14ms, Borderless design, Low blue light, Flicker free.【Memory】16GB DDR5 RAM, 5200 MHz, 50% increase in data transfer rate compared to DDR4【Storage】1TB PCIe NVMe M.2 Solid State Drive offers ample storage, lightning-responsive, quick boot-up times, fast data access, and improves the overall performance.【Windows 11 Pro】64-bit Enterprise OS, perfect for business and education. Protects your data with enterprise-grade security, boosts productivity with powerful management tools.【Ports and Connectivity】USB-C 3.2 Gen 2 (Data Transfer Only, No Displayport and Power Delivery), USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A, 10Gbps, 2 x USB 2.0 Type-A, Ethernet RJ-45, Headphone / Mic Combo Jack, HDMI In/Out, 5MP with E-Shutter HD camera, Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5.2 combo, Wireless Keyboard and Mouse.
Tech Specs Processor: 13th Gen Intel U300 Processor 1.2 GHz (5 Cores, 6 Threads, 8M Cache, up to 4.4 GHz with Intel Turbo Boost Technology) Operating System: Windows 11 Pro, English Graphics Card: Intel UHD Graphics Display: 23.8" FHD (1920 x 1080), IPS, Anti-Glare, Non-Touch, 99%sRGB, 250 nits, 100Hz, 14ms, Borderless design, Low blue light, Flicker free. Monitor stand supports -5° to +15° tilt Memory: 16 GB, DDR5, 5200 MHz Hard Drive: 1 TB, M.2, PCIe NVMe, SSD Case: Luna Grey Keyboard & Mouse: Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Software included: Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus with Lifetime License Warranty: One year seller Warranty Ports: 1 x USB-C 3.2 Gen 2, 10Gbps, Data Transfer Only, No Displayport and Power Delivery 2 x USB 2.0 Type-A 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A, 10Gbps 1 x Power Connector 1 x Headset (headphone and microphone combo) port 1 x HDMI-in 1 x HDMI-out 2.1 TMDS Dimensions & Weight: Height: 16.97 in. (431 mm) Width: 21.2 in. (539 mm) Depth: 7.56 in. (192 mm) Weight (minimum): 13.23 lbs. 6 kg Wireless Connectivity: Wi-Fi 6 2x2 AX & Bluetooth 5.2 Webcam: 5MP with E-Shutter and integrated dual array digital microphones Audio and Speakers: High Definition (HD) Audio, Realtek ALC233-CG codec, 2 x 3W stereo speaker by Harman Power: 90W Smart AC power adapter, Input: 100~240V AC 50/60Hz universal

2025-01-08 05:57:03

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