해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Natural-Structure RNA-based Hair Revitalizing Tonic for Thicker, Fuller, Healthier Hair – Once a week Use, Up to 2 Months Supply for Men and Women (0.067 fl oz)

상품번호 B0DFL6JL22
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Beauty & Personal Care / Hair Care
브랜드 Brand: COSMERNA
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $89.00
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Small Drops, Big impacts: Our uniquely formulated hair tonic is designed for maximum impact with minimal application, allowing you to achieve a more confident look with just a few drops. CosmeRNA will provide time-saving benefits and deliver effective outcomes through weekly applications.Spot-on Care for your Concerned Area: CosmeRNA addresses factors commonly associated with general hair thinning and shedding, promoting hair health by delivering advanced SAMiRNA technology directly to the hair follicles, helping to preserve a healthy hair cycle.Visible Results in 16 weeks: Experience real changes in just 16 weeks. In clinical trials, CosmeRNA has been shown to visibly improve hair in 16-week clinical trials, demonstrating significant efficacy in improving hair conditions as published in Scientific Reports.CosmeRNA isn\'t just for Him or for Her: Not only men but also women can enjoy the advantages of this product as as CosmeRNA selectively functions only in hair follicle.The Award-winning Hair Care Essential: CosmeRNA was selected as the Winner of Hair Products at Cosmoprof Awards 2024, showcasing its innovation, effectiveness and quality. Meet the hair care solution that has been acknowledged by industry professionals for its excellence in hair care.

2025-01-08 18:22:16

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