해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Kids Golf Clubs Set,Metal Right Hand Toddler Golf Clubs Toys for Indoor and Outdoor Sport Toys,Christmas Birthday Gifts for Boys and Girls Aged 6 7 8 9 Years Old

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상품가격 $39.99
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【Kids Golf Clubs Set】3 types of right handed clubs(putter,iron,wood), 10 plastic golf balls, 2 Practice Holes, 2 Bases and 1 gift box.The whole set of golf clubs can be used as indoor and outdoor children\'s toys,Lightweight and portable. It Can Meet the practice needs of different groups of people, suitable for any right-handed golfer.【High Quality】This toddler golf clubs adopts high-quality aluminum alloy custom shaft, which has higher hardness, corrosion resistance, solid feel and more durable. The foam grip makes it more comfortable to hold. Can be used to hit real golf balls, great for kids beginners.(3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 year old)On any holiday or birthday, your little golfer is excited to receive it. Get it and enjoy happy parent-child time with your child.【Fun Golf Toys】This kids golf clubs adopts an adjustable shaft design for easy placement and storage. You can adjust the shaft length to 16-28 inches according to your needs. Perfect size for kids(3-10 year old) to hold and hit,attracting children to learn and experience the endless fun of golf games.This kids golf clubs set will keep your kid busy, It\'ll feel like a mini-golf field to your kid, keeping him engaged for quite a while.【Well-designed】Our golf set for kids specially designed for early childhood education to cultivate children\'s golf fun and focuses on helping to promote kids\' physical and mental development, concentration, patience, and manners motors coordination & analytical thinking.【Kids Golf Gift】Kids golf clubs is a boredom buster that gets them up and moving, away from tablets and TV; Great for rainy days inside or sunny days outside.Best choice as birthday, holiday, halloween, christmas, easter, valentine\'s day gift. 

2025-01-07 02:42:34

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