해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Espresso Burr Coffee Bean Grinder Electric with Precision Electronic Timer, Adjustable Conical Burr Mill with 51 Precise Settings, for Home Use, Brushed Stainless Steel

상품번호 B0DFPFVR76
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상품가격 $79.99
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Consistent Grind, Full Flavor: The high-quality 40mm stainless steel conical burrs minimize heat buildup during grinding, preserving the essential oils in the beans for a smoother, more flavorful cup every time.Perfect Grind for Any Brew: With 51 adjustable grind settings, this grinder offers precision from fine espresso grounds to coarse French Press grinds, ensuring the perfect texture for any brewing method.Grind with Accuracy, Brew with Confidence: Customize your grind time up to 60 seconds in 0.1-second increments for precise dosing. Select from 1 to 12 cups to match your brewing method, ensuring a consistent dose every time.Larger Capacity for Less Refilling: The 12.5oz hopper holds plenty of beans, so you can grind more without constant refilling. The locking system ensures easy removal and storage.Keep Your Workspace Neat: Anti-static technology minimizes coffee grounds cling, reducing mess. Removable parts (upper burr, hopper, and chamber) make for effortless cleanup, keeping your workspace neat after every grind.Convenient and Secure: The locking bean hopper makes it easy to remove and store beans, ensuring no mess or spills when transferring or cleaning.Grind Directly into Your Preferred Container: Grind directly into a portafilter, container, or filter basket for total flexibility, making it ideal for both professional and home baristas.Built to Last, Sleek Design: The durable stainless steel construction not only ensures long-lasting performance but also adds a premium, modern look to any kitchen or coffee station.

2025-01-12 03:00:11

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