해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Weaving Loom Kit Toys for Kids and Adults,Potholder Weave Looming Toys,Easy Potholder Loom Knitting Activity for Beginners,Square Buildable Loom Knitting Activity 96 Craft Loops

상품번호 B0DFPKQ21P
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상품구분 Arts, Crafts & Sewing / Knitting & Crochet
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상품가격 $14.99
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【YOU WILL GET】You will get 1pc knitting frame,1pc crochet needle,1pc plastic needle,1pc wool yarn,96pcs elastic cord (8 colors/12 pieces per color), providing enough space for various knitting projects.【KNITTING ACCESSORIES】The knitting loom loops can be applied to refill your knitting needs for the knitting loom set, make a variety of crafts of your own style, as nice decorations and more, while making a beautiful present for your own or your friends.【IMAGE IMPROVEMENT】Colorful knitting loom can make different crafts according to your like,educational and fun activity also improving your imagination and learning development,can be applied to make coaster, cup holder, wallet and a variety of crafts of your own style, as nice decorations and more you can imagine.【FUNNY IN DAILY LIFE】 Knitting loom kit toys can make different colorful handbag for your friends and families, different and practical, it will look delicate and beautiful,satisfy your different handmade needs, will add more fun to your everyday life.【HAND DIY】 These knitting craft loops can be applied as a present to send your friends, families or others who like DIY crafts.
Features: 【YOU WILL GET】You will get 1pc knitting frame,1pc crochet needle,1pc plastic needle,1pc wool yarn,96pcs elastic cord (8 colors/12 pieces per color), providing enough space for various knitting projects. 【KNITTING ACCESSORIES】The knitting loom loops can be applied to refill your knitting needs for the knitting loom set, make a variety of crafts of your own style, as nice decorations and more, while making a beautiful present for your own or your friends. 【IMAGE IMPROVEMENT】Colorful knitting loom can make different crafts according to your like,educational and fun activity also improving your imagination and learning development,can be applied to make coaster, cup holder, wallet and a variety of crafts of your own style, as nice decorations and more you can imagine. 【FUNNY IN DAILY LIFE】 Knitting loom kit toys can make different colorful handbag for your friends and families, different and practical, it will look delicate and beautiful,satisfy your different handmade needs, will add more fun to your everyday life. 【HAND DIY】 These knitting craft loops can be applied as a present to send your friends, families or others who like DIY crafts. Specifications: Material: polyester Color: colorful Size(about): knitting frame: 18.5x18.5x3cm/7.28x7.28x1.18inch(LxWxH) crochet hook: 12.5cm/4.92inch plastic needle: 9cm/3.54inch Package Included: 1pc x knitting frame 1pc x crochet needle 1pc x plastic needle 1pc x wool yarn 96pcs x elastic cord (8 colors/12 pieces per color) Note: 1. Due to the light and screen difference, the item\'s color may be slightly different from the pictures. 2. Please allow 0.5-2 cm differences due to manual measurement.

2025-01-11 14:45:42

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