해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Golf Push Cart 3 Wheel : Golf Bag Cart Foldable with Phone Holder/Cup/Umbrella Holder Compact Golf Pull Carts Quick Fold Golf Caddy Push Carts with Large Wheelbase for Different Terrain

상품번호 B0DFPM87NJ
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상품구분 Sports & Outdoors / Sports
브랜드 Brand: EASEGO
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $229.99
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All Terrain Golf Cart: A golf cart designed for use in different scenarios and on extreme terrain: with a spread of up to 31”±0.5mm wheelbase width, the golf cart offers greater triangular chassis stability, even on slopes, to keep it balanced and stopped, to make it adaptable to virtually any golfing terrain. Thus making golf easy and fun!COMPACT & LIGHTWEIGHT DESIGN WALKING GOLF BAG PUSH CARTS: The cart can be folded down to a compact size in 2 easy steps and lifted and moved freely with the equipped grip. Allows the cart and complete golf equipment to fit easily into the trunk of a sedan (15.1 inches W x 14.17 inches H x 27.95 inches L). The body is made of high-strength aluminum alloy, which reduces the overall weight of the cart to 18.74 lbs. while maintaining a high level of strength and durability.ADJUSTABLE FULL SIZE BAG HOLDER: Designed with an adjustable top bag holder, the bag holder can be easily adjusted to fit different bag sizes. The bag holder itself is a variable design with elasticized straps to fit different types of bags. This makes the cart itself compatible and stable with almost any type of bag on the market.VERSATILE STORAGE AND DURABILITY: Comes with storage bag with built-in cooler bag, drink/cell phone/umbrella/rangefinder holder, and storage box/mesh bag for storing virtually everything you need during golf. Three EVA maintenance-free wheels with a thicker aluminum triangular frame and large wheelbase chassis allow the golf cart to provide perfect stability and durability on all types of terrain.QUALITY AND AFTER-SALES: We are committed to providing our customers with durable and practical golf bag trolleys, which are made of healthy, environmentally friendly and durable materials, with a more ergonomic design that makes folding and unfolding easy and smooth. If you have any questions about product quality or accessories, please feel free to contact us. We are happy to share the experience of using the golf bag trolley with you.
EASEGO Golf Push Cart 3 Wheel

2025-01-09 11:11:16

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